
Saida Nails GmbH
CEO Saida Nasirova
Siedlungsweg 5 · 94315 Straubing
Phone: 0049 9421 7038200

Commercial register number: HRB 12562
Chancery: Amtsgericht Straubing

VAT number: DE314197864

General information and copyright

The content of this website has been created accurately. Nevertheless there is no guarantee for correctness, completeness and actuality. The whole content is copyrighted. You can download copies of this websites only for private use. If you want to reproduce, rework or broadcast the contents for commercial use, you have to request the written permission of the author of this website. Contraventions will be punished by law. All rights reserved.

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The photos on this website are copyrighted by Saida Nasirova (Saida Nails). It is not allowed to modify and/or broadcast these pictures. Applied copyright notes must not be removed. Contraventions will be punished by law.

In several cases (especially for ad banners) license-free microstock photos have been used. These pictures are listed below (copyright by the corresponding owner).

Microstock photos for ad banners

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There is no warranty for correctness, completeness, quality and actuality of this website. You do not have the possibility to claim damages (material or non-material) caused by the usage or disuse of the offered information respectively missing or incomplete information. Such demands are generally excluded, except you can prove, that the author has acted deliberated or reckless. We reserve the right for ourselves to change the whole offering or parts of it without written announcement, to add facts or delete the whole publication.

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If your complaint is legitimate we guarantee to remove the invalid parts of this website in appropriate time or modify it, so that legal requirements are observed. There will be no need to consider legal assistance.

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This legal disclaimer is part of the internet offer that pointed on this site. If there are parts or single phrases of this text not or not completely valid to applicable law, the remaining parts of the document are not effected in their legal force.